What happened when I put on my green paisley dress. Today, I woke up with a plan that did not materialise as I had predicted; fully togged in gym gear, paired with a ridiculous navy beach hat, my thoughts were set —a 5 km walk on the promenade, grocery shopping, a quick lunch and then…
How Does My Thought Process Affect My Spirituality
April Issue: Me, My Mouth And My Mind Me, my mouth, and my mind make me who I am. I think, I speak, I am. What I think and how I respond to my thoughts determine my behaviour, moods, or reactions. According to psychologists, a negativity bias was built into our brains millions of years…
How To Get Serious In Your Spiritual Journey With Jesus
March Issue Part 2: Let’s take this relationship to the next level. (With a free March Planner Printable) Commitment, faithfulness and communication are the key components of all relationships. Likewise, in this journey with Jesus, He asks us to walk with Him with a fully committed and connected heart. Like any journey you embark on,…
Journal 23 February 2023: Under The Sea
Today, I walked umbrellaed under the shadows of a gloomy sky. It was peaceful. Humid. Faces were pleasant, some in deep thought, others focused on shedding a few kilos. Sweaty. Natalie Grant worshipped in my ears, transcending my body and spirit into pure stillness. My spirit floated. Everything around me was hushed as I began…
How to Start Your Spiritual Journey with Jesus in 5 Simple Steps
February: Part 1 – My Time with Jesus (With a Free February Planner Printable) If you are reading this article, then it tells me that you are ready to start your spiritual journey with Jesus. This path is narrow (Matthew 7:13-14) but burden-free (Matthew 11:28 KJV). Jesus himself could not bear to carry his cross…
You Cannot Attend Church? Here are 9 Ways You can still Worship God
Although attending church every Sunday and being a part of your local church’s worship is essential, circumstances sometimes prevent us from being present. At some stage in our lives, we could not attend church on a Sunday morning, whether it be sickness, COVID, travel or work, or maybe you are a secret believer of Christ….
Shocking Reasons Why We Should Worship God
Here some shocking reasons why we should worship God. This has changed my life forever. Have you ever sat and wondered what on earth we are doing here? Each day, it is the same old monotonous grind. We are pushing one foot in front of the other to get the day over. Well, just like…
How To Worship God with All Your Heart
“Today, God is calling His Church back to worship. This can be seen in high church circles where there is a renewed interest in intimacy with God. It can be seen in low church circles where there is a renewed interest in liturgy. It can be seen everywhere in between these two. It is as…
What Does It Mean To Offer A Sacrifice Of Worship?
Worship unto God should be a lifestyle. We worship Him with our whole life, body, soul and spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:23). As Christ lives in us, and we in Him, we are intricately woven together in one union. Therefore, our every move becomes glory to Him. He becomes the life in us. Romans 12:1-2 says:…
Practical Ways To Prepare Yourself To Worship God
Christianity should be seen as a lifestyle rather than a religion. We need to express our love and adoration to Jesus in the form of worship. We must not confuse praise with worship. Praise is an outward celebration through song, dance or clapping of our hands and is often accompanied by thanksgiving and gratitude, whereas…