Home. A peaceful home. No matter how big or small, shabby or plush, there’s no place like home. It’s a place that you get to be you. It is a place where you can feel safe; your sanctuary. Being a single parent is a challenge on its own and at times, the peace in our…
Author: Charmaine
Why We Need to Make Jesus The Centre Of Our Life?
John 15 illustrates that we can enjoy many life-giving benefits as long as we understand that Jesus is the centre of our life. He is vine and we are the branches. Why do we need Him in our life and how can we benefit from this relationship? Living in Him and building our whole life…
No One’s Simple Nobody
I am nobody to you If ‘simple’ things are not shared between us What’s simple to you Is of value to me You speak for the sake of duty “Hello” and “Good morning” For the sake of courtesy But I am far more that just your nobody I’m a prized piece of jewel For in…
Should I hide in the shadows because you Can’t bear to be in mine Or pluck out my feathers so that Your wings can fly Or maybe saw off my only horn So that you can feel magical Let me rather give you the time to see That the shadow you thought I cast was…
Earthly Treasures
I wrote this post on 23 November 2021, but I never published it. Little did I realise that by 11 April 2022, this snow globe in the above picture, together with my fully furnished house will soon be washed away into the ocean. We were victims of a flood, and we could not save a…
Pages Turn
Pages turn, and spines are bent To fold comfortably in the hand Bound together into chapters And seamed into place A book has a start and an end All in a total sense, from one mystery to the next But the pages of my heart hold an archive of scrolls Manuscripts far too fragile to…
Here’s to what was meant to break me!
I will wear it like a medal of honour I hear the hisses and snarling murmurs Who does she think she is? I hold it up high like a torch to a race See, see, ask what you will For I wear it like a medal of honour Oh, she is no good! She is…
My Glow Is My Colour
A glow, a warm glow, illuminates from within my being as You make Your presence known to me Like kinetic energy with the ability to generate light only seen by a certain human eye An eye, that when looked into, reflects the source of that which it sees The source, the One whose eyes…
Sparrow, Pearl and Waterfall
The Lesson of the Sparrow This beautiful feather-winged creature, with a voice bigger than itself, sings out every morning. The early bird sets off to catch his worm. Dodging raindrops, soaring like a military airplane through the battlefields, this tiny music box doesn’t seem to be bothered by any obstacles around him. Swift and agile,…
Fallen One
Oh, desolate one Way too beautiful to be overlooked Sing, I say… For many are your afflictions But with everlasting kindness, you, too, will be lifted again Oh, broken one For you are far too precious not to be loved For the Mighty one cometh this way And with great mercy, He will gather you …