I wrote this post on 23 November 2021, but I never published it. Little did I realise that by 11 April 2022, this snow globe in the above picture, together with my fully furnished house will soon be washed away into the ocean. We were victims of a flood, and we could not save a single item. Holding onto earthly treasures is not worth the heartbreak.
Written: 23 November 2021
My Story
When I was little, there was civil unrest in my neighbourhood. My Mum and all the aunties were frantic. The plan: grab your stuff and flee! My Dad’s black champion bag was the designated keep-safe place where my Mum stored all our family documents. I was unsure whether I was afraid or excited as my body went into fight mode. I realised that all my Secret Seven spy games with the neighbourhood girls I played as a child were finally coming to life.
Mum told us only to pack our important stuff, and right there, I immediately knew what those items would be. I raced to my wardrobe and eagerly grabbed my Monopoly and my favourite blue floral Christmas dress. The world could blow up in smoke, and I could care less for as long as I had those two prized possessions, all would be well. During all the chaos of packing our survival kits into Dad’s station wagon and Mum racing around trying to secure the house, I noticed as we drove off the driveway that my essentials did not make the cut.
What will you grab?
So, if you ask me today what I will pack in that same black champion bag, my answer will be: nothing. Challenging times have forced me to learn that holding on to immaterial possessions is not worth the heartbreak.
Is God shaking the snow globe?
All 7.9 billion of us are swirling in this snow globe of a planet. I sometimes imagine God peering at us through the glass, saying, What you are up to down there? I gave you the freedom of choice to have dominion over the Earth, but I never said destroy it. And when my world feels like it’s falling upside down, I comfort myself by saying that God is just entertaining Himself with child’s play; He is shaking the snow globe all for the fun of seeing the snowflakes fall.
The Gravity Effect
Man, animal, and waste. Gravity is what keeps us grounded. We orbit around the sun and spin on the axis in this bubble we call Earth. We go about our lives, not even thinking about this. But can you imagine if you woke up to discover that gravity was no longer in place one day? Like a helium balloon, you are pinned to the ceiling. The bed, dresser, and water from the toilet bowl float into the air. What will you grab first?
Everything you own is suddenly not held down by gravity. You begin to fight against this, trying to clutch onto your earthly anchors, pulling them closer towards you, feverishly tying them around your waist so they can weigh you down, but this pull to greater heights is far too powerful for you. Your wallet, credit cards, clothing, and jewellery are floating out the windows and doors. Your legs no longer have a purpose, and your hands are not big enough to hold it all. And in that moment of absolute horror, you see the one thing that means the world to you drifting further and further away. Helpless, bundled, and oblivious of her surroundings, your baby is buoyant, floating towards the sky. You let go, tearing out all that was attached to you, freeing yourself from your earthly treasures to make room in your hands for her. You dive into a relentless pursuit of the most precious and priceless possession.
Scary stuff when you think about it. So, why do we allow earthly possessions to take the focus off the things that truly matter to us? Let go; don’t let your treasures tie you down.
What does the Bible say?
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2 New International Version (NIV)
“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the Earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.” 2 Peter 3:10 (NIV)
Picture on the left: My home
I thank the Lord for giving me this revelation five months ago, for this, too, has made me stronger. And every time I cast a thought on all the sentimental ‘earthly treasures’ that I have lost, that’s when God steps in to remind me to hold onto the good memories and not onto material losses.