What happened when I put on my green paisley dress.
Today, I woke up with a plan that did not materialise as I had predicted; fully togged in gym gear, paired with a ridiculous navy beach hat, my thoughts were set —a 5 km walk on the promenade, grocery shopping, a quick lunch and then bath Coco and Daisy. However, somewhere between my coffee and rolled oats, my day seemed to have fashioned itself. Off went the hat and the very uncomfortable tights, and on came my housework green paisley dress, hair in a top knot, duster and labelling machine at hand. The mood was set. My favourite companions took over my day: ‘Sort, Set, Shine, Standardise, and Sustain’, the 5s of basic housekeeping.
I felt great.
My family often compare me to the character Monica from the TV show Friends, but my obsession with organisation works for me. I do not have these urges to tidy up every day, but it was on full display today. It keeps me happy and balanced; well, I hope so. LOL.
I found these cute little metal floral tubes of hand creams that I forgot I was gifted with, Christmas gifts still in their wrapping, and an earring which I lost that drove me insane at the time; what a thrill, but the most satisfying feeling was seeing everything neatly organised (for now). Everything could be seen at one glance, which was most rewarding for me.
As I worked through each drawer, I found unnecessary knick-knacks, double purchases, and empty containers that I did not have the time to recycle. All this took up my space, time and energy.
It is funny how often I returned to the pile marked ‘give away’ and picked up an item I tossed away. Each time, I told myself, “You don’t need it; let it go.”
Although I was physically rearranging and classifying my space, the act became therapeutic. I realised that my thoughts, too, require reordering and prioritising from time to time. I need to sift out the impure and think of the praiseworthy and excellent thoughts, according to Philippians 4:8-9. I should not make those ugly, untrue, unkind thoughts master my thought process.
It is surprising how dust gets to places that are never fully exposed. As I worked towards separating the possessions I wanted to keep from those I needed to let go, the dust imprints spoke stories of how time had passed and how the places I thought could never get dusty became dusty. I was so glad I put on my green paisley housework dress.
The shining and polishing began, and the smell of the polish and smooth surfaces comforted me.
Pins, hairclips, buttons, and my labelling machine rolled out labels to help me maintain and standardise my organising skills. Now, I can keep it this way, and whoever needs to use my space can use it easily.
I felt pleased.
As I lie in bed writing this for you, the reader, my spirit and soul feel rested.
My prayer today is: “Lord, as I open the drawers of my heart, am I embarrassed to show you the contents of my thoughts? Are there past hurts and unforgiveness that I have held on to for far too long? Then help me to let go. Forgive me, Father, I choose to make it right. Please help me to remove everything toxic and wasteful from my life. I toss them away, and I allow the Holy Spirit to teach me how to make space for the things of God. Standardise me by your Word so I can shine as the light you want me to be. I rest in You as you sustain me with your living waters. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”